Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year!

This week of the year goes to RESOLUTIONS. Everyone is busy deciding and declaring their New Year Resolutions, which they are never going to keep. So why not keep promises which you can actually accomplish? Here are some of them you can think of. I already started a few...

  1. Put-on atleast 10 kgs of weight. Why loose weight, which we have gained in several years. Do we loose our Money or our relations or our precious valuables??? Then why weight. NOPE! Not me!!!
  1. Stop exercising. Waste of time and loss of weight.
  1. Read less.  It depreciates your eyes.
  1. Drink. Drink more and more...
  1. Adopt new habits: start smoking... (if not already)
  1. Start sleeping more. That will help you to keep away from SINS.
  1. Attend and throw more parties. Be a social animal. Extend and improve your relations. (You can atleast maintain them) Be a PAGE 3 topper.
  1. Stop over-times at work. You loose very important stuff on TV. You need to catch on to daily TV soaps. (That will help you in discussions held when you are executing point No.7)
  1. Hey! Watch more movies. That will give you metal peace and make you a good critic. Good Critic is OK, but you must be thinking how that will help balancing mental levels. OK, fine. You criticize the film at different levels like: director should have given more turns in the story, editing could have been better, the end should not be this way and … so you burst out you’re your anger in a way and hence peace…
  1.  Start eating out, MORE. (Remember point no. 1)

I think one can’t improve himself better than this in one year. Improvisation process will continue in years to come. Till then, kick off these actions.

1 comment:

Harit said...

Quite witty dost... good chhe....