Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Joy and the Art of Tea-Making

The Joy and the Art of Tea-Making

Not everyone is a born tea-maker. One needs a sense of art and taste, dedication, patience and ofcourse practice. It’s also the pleasure that one may be able to feel through this course of action.

The boiling water in the vessel seems like those several rebellions trying fight for their freedom. Immediately the military of sugar is asked to March in, which is being curbed ruthlessly while the revolt continues…Then tea is inducted. This helps in resolving the revolt for the time being. But later it spreads in the water just like corruption multiplies in society and finally water looses its virginity. The revolt continues… Milk is added, which aids in slowing down the revolt, though won’t last much. The flame on which the vessel is placed is the conspirator who works silently from below. A point in time comes when the situation goes beyond control and finally freedom is rewarded.

A lazy body, a tired mind and a desire to achieve a fantastic mood are the key ingredients for a good cup of tea. You may also need some water, milk, tea and sugar.

Smell the bitter aroma, take a sip and feel the vigor stretching all over the body.
Sit back and enjoy!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Husband – A Multiple Personality Creature

It’s been almost a year and my, sorry, our 1st marriage anniversary is due this month. Recently my friend Amit also completed one year of his married life. While Parimal, also a friend, is married for more then 2 ½ years and possesses a lovely baby girl. And finally Harit, again a friend, got engaged a few months back. Need not to say, we all are very good friends. (Though telling…) 

After all these experiences and observations of Husbands and to-be Husbands at various stages of Husbandship, I find myself in a place to comment or rather describe a creature called HUSBAND. This might give you some consolation, if you are one of those breeds.

Husbands are supposed to be like dogs, faithful and loyal. They are supposed to fetch the words of their masters (ofcourse, wives) and operate accordingly. On not doing so, they can be punished. Punished emotionally, mentally and to be made feel guilty of. Occasionally, the dog gets a day out to visit the house of master’s relatives. Where he is supposed to perform all the tricks taught previously. On accomplishing those tricks faultlessly, it might get an award later on.

Husband is also like a fish, fish of an aquarium, which is there to enhance the look of drawing room. Aquarium (Home and Family) is its world and it is not allowed to think beyond that. A fish can move freely anywhere and everywhere at anytime, but not out of the aquarium. So they are totally free (upto some extend). The master often shows her fish to her friends to prove that her fish is more beautiful and tamed then theirs. Most important, a fish cannot speak or it has not been given a chance to. A fish must be deaf too?!!?? Thank GOD, if it is.

At later stages of life, Husband becomes like a pig. Fat, lazy and useless, spreading the dirt (advices) everywhere, though not required. They are pushed away all the time to other place. Most of the time, it roams uselessly, to useless places.

Hey, hey…wait, all you to-be husbands all over the world, don’t feel so depressed. To be a husband is not so very difficult, complicated or disappointing as I have described above. It’s just the funnier and the funkier aspect which can hardly be real. In fact, a husband is the most precious, fantastic and the best thing a lady gets. Atleast she thinks so…He is treated like a King (Shahenshah, is the word, a few of my friends use, though they have different reasons) and taken very good care of, all the times.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year!

This week of the year goes to RESOLUTIONS. Everyone is busy deciding and declaring their New Year Resolutions, which they are never going to keep. So why not keep promises which you can actually accomplish? Here are some of them you can think of. I already started a few...

  1. Put-on atleast 10 kgs of weight. Why loose weight, which we have gained in several years. Do we loose our Money or our relations or our precious valuables??? Then why weight. NOPE! Not me!!!
  1. Stop exercising. Waste of time and loss of weight.
  1. Read less.  It depreciates your eyes.
  1. Drink. Drink more and more...
  1. Adopt new habits: start smoking... (if not already)
  1. Start sleeping more. That will help you to keep away from SINS.
  1. Attend and throw more parties. Be a social animal. Extend and improve your relations. (You can atleast maintain them) Be a PAGE 3 topper.
  1. Stop over-times at work. You loose very important stuff on TV. You need to catch on to daily TV soaps. (That will help you in discussions held when you are executing point No.7)
  1. Hey! Watch more movies. That will give you metal peace and make you a good critic. Good Critic is OK, but you must be thinking how that will help balancing mental levels. OK, fine. You criticize the film at different levels like: director should have given more turns in the story, editing could have been better, the end should not be this way and … so you burst out you’re your anger in a way and hence peace…
  1.  Start eating out, MORE. (Remember point no. 1)

I think one can’t improve himself better than this in one year. Improvisation process will continue in years to come. Till then, kick off these actions.