Wednesday, December 17, 2008

l i F e


yesss LIFE again.... lekin kya karu, LIFE itself inspires me a lot. so i would continue the same...

Life is thrilling and exciting, it gives fun. its inspiring and desirable, as i already said in my past post. this is the best age where one can enjoy life. this period is also the beginning of married life. a year or two have passed. you are just settling/settled. its steady and easily going on. the most expected things/occasions come to you and you enjoy them. things like mid-night chats, small fights, caring, preparing breakfast for your spouse, etc. and occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, marriages, etc.

You are also matured enough to have a few good relations/understanding in friendship. but hey not everyone is lucky in this matter. well i am not talking about myself. many years have passed in friendship and you have already enjoyed many many on-the-spot movies, discussions at coffee cafe, late nights and above and over all, the fun of doing all such naughty thing together.

You have gained lots of skills in your day-to-day work which you do to earn a respectable living, but not experience. experience comes at the later stages of life, maybe.

whats life??? is the biggest question for one who is in this stage.
Jivan ma have karvanu shu che?? 
you have completed/ended up your studies (almost) and that 'one thought' revolves in and around you. further studies?? job application?? family business?? own business?? what?? 
i mean,  what to do??? 

somehow you manage to continue your studies... very good. OR
you take a respectable job, thinking its good for experience... fine. OR
easy option-'family business', parents happy, you happy...nothing better. OR
self-motivated, you manage raising some capital, puja, mahurat, ice-creams, congrats...

after managing this, you move ahead in LIFE. your parents starts believing that you are big enough to take your own decisions. and then... the search begins... for bahu(spouse). either you are lucky enough to find a your match early, or the search continues... a time may come where you feel that you are the only eligible candidate 'single'. everyone else is getting married.

finally, you get the match for your life, whom you can annoy/be annoyed for the rest of your LIFE.

Further rewind
'ha ha ha' that's what you do all the time, you even like that. 
smiling, staying happy, knowing/learning new things from school, parents/relatives. you are lucky, if you are being brought-up in a joint family. you learn values of relations very early. 

to wake-up early in the morning for school is the laziest thing in the world. you enjoy schooling, come back home running, very happy. reasons- your teacher gave you a 'star'/'A grade' for your home-work. you are the happiest person. such small little things are BIG for you at that time and then in later stages of your life.

evening is play time. jumping, running, shJustify Fullouting and asking all the difficult questions of life to your parents/relatives. you get answers and the mysteries get solved... you get tired, are being fed and sleep-goodnight-sleep... simple.

gradually studying is made the sole motive of your life and you start preparing for your pre-high school and high school exams...

Your kids are being settled/settling in THEIR LIFE. you are almost free from your day to day responsibilities. you start getting bored or start interfering in every other work which is not yours. later you realise the same.

you owe a farm house  some 30-40 kms away from city. now you have time to go there regularly and take healthy mornings walks with your spouse. you like inspect the garden and give instructions to gardener accordingly so that it looks picture perfect. days passes slowly and you enjoy all the things now as you have nothing but time. now you are officially a critic and you have the rights to analyze anything...

well, all the targets of life achieved and no further motive left other then to enjoy your relations with your family and friends...

Further future
death is just the beginning of a new LIFE... 

(im grateful to all my friends, their relatives and my relatives for being an example in different stages)


Harit said...

!!!! :)

Rushit said...

Nostalgia..... Good!!!

Unknown said...

gud one, it seems this is other side of life which i have never noiced, keep it up good going